Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Go Forth

moving van
"Go forth from your land, from your relatives and from your father's house to a land that I will show you."  - Gen. 12.1

The whole of Western Civilization begins with this order dropped on Abram from God without warning or invitation as far as we know.

You have to wonder what was Abram thinking? He was apparently a man of some success and means, with a wife and livestock and servants. You can't just up and move all that to an unknown location, right? The Bible doesn't tell us that. It just says he went.

Because when God -- or in my case the Air Force -- says go, you do.

While I certainly don't claim to be the start of a new chapter of civilization, I have felt a new kinship with Abram in the months since my husband's new assignment dropped.

Like Abram, we had little warning. The email showed up and in its government style, said without fanfare: You will go to Germany and be here by this date. Make it happen.

It didn't matter that we spent 13 years in one place, or that I had a career or that we had just remodeled our kitchen. All we knew was the Air Force decided they need Joey in Germany.

At least Abram received some promises from God: "I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you." (Gen. 12:2) The Air Force only promises to keep paying us - which I'll take. It is our challenge to trust that God has great plans for us to serve, to grow, and to carry his mission forward to the people and places we'll go.

In this space, I hope to chronicle this new adventure. It will be a little bit travel, a little expat, a little MilSpouse and a little mom blog - all through the lens of faith.

I sit in a hotel room tonight, with my belongings packed, thanking God for this challenge, and praying we can fulfill our part of his plan. Thank you for being part of it.

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