Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Introvert in an Extrovert job

"Jesus would often slip away into the wilderness and pray." - Luke 5:16

Jesus was the ultimate introvert in and extrovert's job. He wanted to be with the people and understood that as his calling, but knew the importance of sometimes stepping back and being alone.

A few years ago, I took the Myers-Briggs for work. My introvert result was no surprise, but even I was taken aback by how far it went. I had zero extrovert points, as in I might have been happy as a cloistered nun.

This is not to say I don't like people. I've made my career talking to people and listening to their stories, and I love it. But it's exhausting. After a few hours of people, I'm ready to slip away into the wilderness too.

Well, for most of the last two months we have lived in one room (yay! we finally made it to the house!). Since being in the house, I'm still a stay-at-home mom of a an extroverted 3-year-old. The Kindergartens here all have wait lists, so while we wait, the munchkin and I have lots of together time, with very little wilderness to be found. Of all the challenges this move has presented, this is the hardest for me.

I take comfort knowing Jesus sometimes had to escape too, so I shouldn't have to feel guilty. Jesus also gives the example of what to do -- pray. I'm still trying to figure out how. Today, I'm saying a prayer of thanksgiving that the little one decided to take a nap, which is a rare thing.

So, I come to you. How do you introverts find time to recharge in busy days?